
What Is Love?

What is Love?

It’s something you won’t understand until you have it

Love is a crazy thing and yet you must grasp this

Something that causes you to do and feel unexplainable things

Joy, Laughter, Pain, and Tears are all things Love brings


What is Love?

A thing that never really makes sense

So one should never be surprised if Love somehow gives you a purpose
It’s an idea we have created to find a place of comforts

Because that idea separates you from which you have suffered


What Is Love?

Something unto which you must be committed

Your sure to lose your balance, because your emotions will be so unequally distributed

You very well can feel disconnected just as much as you are in tune

True Love is something you find once in a blue moon


I’ve found the answer… What Is Love?

You’ll Know When The Time Is Right

No it won’t be easy, Trust me you are sure to have some long nights

But in the end it’ll all have been worth it

Because this undeniable Love is something that can never be split