
When will the soul be lost

Never cared for myself I found it almost impossible, but to care for others is about the easiest thing I\'ve done. Everyone expect you to be happy, you shed a tear everyone says \"over dramatic.\" Wait a second, what if it wasn\'t? What if they were real? What if.. that tear held more pain then you\'ve ever experienced in your life? 

What\'s deep within, what\'s past all the exterior things? Do you ever bother to try and see past it? Do you see when the easy lies come out to say \"no I\'m okay\" do you look deep within to try and save a broken soul? Do you stray away from the mirror or phone long enough to notice a broken soul?

So much is deep within everyone, but the ones who are broken get ignored because its not the social norm. Look beyond the phone, look beyond the surface, see why a soul is broken before the soul is lost.. my soul is broken yet I have more to worry about then myself. My soul will not be lost soon but I can\'t say I don\'t wish it to be