LOVE ~ AN ELUSIVE DREAM ? A Rhyming Acrostic Sonnet





A N  ELUSIVE DREAM ~ The Perfect Partner

N O  ONE  succeeds ~ but we all seek ~ in vain ?


E ACH GIRL  I Woo ~ looks nice enough ~ and so

L OOKS RIGHT  for me ~ \"Falling in Love again !\"  

U NLESS  some unseen factor spoils my chance 

S HE COULD just lead me in a merry dance !

I  SAY  \"It\'s better to have Loved & Lost\"

V ENTURED INNOCENT ~ into Loves Honey pot 

E XPECTED SOMETHING ~ and then nothing gained


D ON\'T  all romances have a hidden plot ? 

R EMEMBER ALL ~ the Goods and Bads of past

E XPECTED LOVE\'S SWEET DREAM ~ to last and last ? 

A MAN can dream ~ a Lady makes provision

M AN\'S DREAM ? Is Real Estate ~ LADY\'S ? A DECISION !


Thanks for visiting ~ comments welcome ~ Love BRIAN XOX


This Poem is presented as Rhyming Acrostic Sonnet ~ OK

The versification is 6 6 2 but this does not fit the word pattern !

Th Rhyme pattern is  xaxabb  xcxcdd ee !  Hope this helps to

understand the structure of the Poem. I could have split the

WORD PATTERN (2 7 5) into 6 6 2 but it is an Acrostic in

addition to it being a Sonnet !  What do you think ?