Aa Harvey

The id, the ego and the super-ego

The id, the ego and the super-ego.



You and I, we have a connection.

Let us be joined at the hip; my hearts resurrection.

I rise once more to beg, to implore!

For a chance to be loved by a woman I adore.



I am infatuated and this desire cannot be sated,

No going away, until I know how you feel.

Are you currently dating? 

Are you loved and is it real?

Have I already waited too long,

Longing for your love, for me to become;

To ever be considered as ‘He could be the one’?



Is your heart repairing?

Am I being awfully daring,

By confessing my desire to be forever yours?

Do you think you could become my true lover and so much more?

I can be truly caring, or I can leave without sparing,

A second thought,

For what might have been…



If this is the case, then just place a full stop.

Leave my heart to just drop.

I will fall down on this spot;

But then I will move on…



…for I have no time for silly daydreams to be wasted.

No wishes thrown away on a love that is ill-fated.

I am searching for love in all the wrong places,

But if you want me, then you have got me

And I will be ‘last seen back-flipping’; so elated!



I will never stop smiling,

As long as I know we are both trying,

To make this love last,

Like it could be our last.

If it never existed, then why do I feel like this?

Devotion to you, words unspoken leave me mute,

So turn up the volume by embracing me soon,

Before this romance is gone and I am left licking my wounds.



You are out of my league, but if you really want me,

Then guess what, I am all yours, three sheets to the wind,

In love I would be your faithful steed

And I would lead you to safety, beneath giant redwood trees.

Even if that meant taking you over-sea’s,

Then off we would go; choose your good ship, please.



Which heart do you want and am I placed at number one,

On your list of contenders?

You are seeing my true being, no pretender,

With suave one-liners non-existent

And no lies for promises, that are gone in an instant.

I am genuinely attracted to you my gorgeous beauty;

My jaw drops, my heart stops

And then it beats at double the speed that it should be.



And all of this I do,

Because I want you,

To love me the way that I could love you

And if you know that will never be,

Then please, kindly, tell me;

Because you are a sunbeam

And I am in need of photosynthesis energy.



I need your love, so pick me up,

Or whisper goodbye and I will retort the thought,

What might have been, if I could only have been,

Allowed to fall for you…


What a life!


And imagine what could have happened,

If you had fallen for the ‘id’, the ‘ego’ and the ‘super-ego’ of ‘I’.



(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.