
Until Then...

The weirdest part of leaving

Is when you say goodbye.

You don\'t know if you should laugh

You don\'t know if you should cry.

Everything is bitter sweet

And hugs are long and slow.

You have that empty feeling

Questioning, Do you really want to go?


I\'ve been through farewells,

And I\'ve seen a many tears.

It\'s been one after the other

Over so many of my young years.

People I\'ll never se again

And those I\'ll see next week,

People I Facebook with

And pen pal letters I\'ll keep.


Last faces stuck in my mind 

Holding onto them.

To me, they\'re forever glued

More family than friend.

Thank you for the many laughs

And the way you helped me grow.

I\'m sorry that I bid farewell,

But not sorry I have to go.


One day we\'ll meet again.

I promise you, and I swear.

Don\'t worry about missing me.

I\'ll see you in the world out there.