GUARDIAN ANGELS ~ An Acrostic Sonnet



G OD  has Guardian Angels for all of us

U SUALLY  we don\'t see them ~ but they\'re there !

A NGELS  protect us and guide us every day

R ESCUE  us from harmful circumstances

D ELIVER  us from Wicked Men !

I  LOVE  this picture of an Angel ~ The

A NGEL  holds me its in its hand ~ so it  

N OTICES  the things ~ which affect me most !


A NGELS  exert an influence for GOOD

N EVER  obtrusively ~ and give support !

G OD  knows my circumstances and Angels

E NABLE  me to cope every day !  They

L EAD  me in the right way ~ and give me the 

S TRENGTH  to ENCOURAGE All those that I meet 


Thanks for visiting ~ Do you believe in ANGELS ?

Comments welcome ~ Angelic Love to ALL ~ BRIAN XOX


This POEM is presented as an Acrostic 8 6 Sonnet

in iambic pentameter ~ 10 syllables per line ~ OK