kevin browne

When Mother Natures Karma.

When mother natures karma reveals the deadly reaction in force
Where sides have no human connections to which it is, of course
Filling the planet which dictatorship in a country full of destruction
And life in suppression caused the atrocities to build on instruction
Tears flow from the starvation of a child lost alone barely walking
Mothers screaming for justice by the law of the lands own taking
Food disgraced humanity with empty mouths filling up with pain
Living on dirty street kids sniffing glue just so they can entertain
Killings going on rampant rages in the corners of the world\'s desire
Communities are dying and the rich are invading homes on fire
Enforcement regimes stretching camps lining up for eradication
Fields we hear yelling out for the desperation only for correction
Blades are drawn with a furious action of a guillotine when it drops
Blood runs down the street with dead bodies praying that it stops
With leaderships fighting for their international corruption rights
That an orderly attention towards people who always die at night
Defenceless in a trench and with the hope of living another minute
Using nuclear power on the continents when we need to prevent it
Showered over by the radiation that surrounds the human integrity
Unarmed shooting seeing it secured with an unknown popularity
Increasing standards above the authority of any law committed
The lay of the concentration lands where everyone is annihilated
A firing range filled emotions of another innocent man being shot
Degrading with the devotion of taking everything and what is not
Kalashnikovs pulling triggers with a finger that was almost killed 
Then, therefore, we fight and we regret the stab marks on a shield
There comes a time in which and when prime ministers gives none
Then another bullet hits a heart falling on a ground he lived on
So in returning of the deceased upon a plate of worldly efforts
Realisations enter ability for it is he who can wear the t-shirts
Reconciliations with friendships fair to trust the pillars of their lives
Anti-war programmes shed the light on never ending another life
The mother cares for evolution roles around the diversity of change
Looking higher, searching deeper, crying louder with a visual range
Babies tiny shoes tells us what to imagine when the baby is alive
For birth to adapt in the way a human can alter in the way to strive
Peace loves attention stirred the infliction rate of loving someone
We fought in a war where we were left living without your anyone
And so says a soldier who protected the people whose hand held
An ending to it all leaves the space for another ring to be billed
Savour this moment in time for the 3rd is on its way forward fast
In showing survival that grows with human thought to their last.