Tune: Quam Dilecta
(\'We love the place, O Lord\')
A hymn sing fast or slow
But ensure that you know
The words, and understand
They all from God\'s good hand
Though pace of life may rush
Quieten heart now, and hush
Approaching Communion
Holy, with Christ be one
He has the way opened
And did His Spirit send
To us, we forgiven
Offer sweet praises then
For meditate a while
If life is calm or trial
Yet your Lord present still
Shall show you His good will
Eat, drink, at table spread
Christ the food, living bread
His blood the wine to drink
On these symbols now think
Not transubstantially
Bread, wine, here simply be
They representatives
Of Christ\'s life He us gives
For Christ did institute
Those gifts, the vine\'s good fruit
And bread, a staple meal
They will our souls true heal
His invite made to all
Whoe\'er shall hear His call
Be saved by Him, redeemed
Loved by Him, high esteemed