Alf W

The Hidden Harbour

Across the grassy fields there lay
A hidden harbour and a bay.
It wasn\'t secret, you should know
Just not where many folk would go.
And in this place I often lie
And watch, each day, the boats go by.

I sit propped up against a bank
And from a tea-flask often drank.
I have a parasol above
As glaring sun I loath, not love.
And as I look upon the sea
I\'m also sheltered by a tree.

Out in the ocean sails a boat
And oh, I hope it\'s still afloat!
For it doth hold my dearest friend
Whom many days and weeks doth spend
So many hours in dangerous work
When I had wished him be a clerk.

So this is why I\'m always here
Because my friend is very dear.
And in this place he\'s always close
Despite the crashing waves, so gross.
And one day he\'ll be coming home
And never more the seas to roam.