
The Girl

I am the girl.

I am the girl who is misunderstood.

I am the girl who is pushed away into the depths of her anger and depression.

I am the girl who has no dad.

Im the girl who\'s mom is owned by a drug addiction.

I am the girl who\'s parents don\'t care about her well-being.

I am the girl who constantly hides away from the world because she\'s scared of not being accepted for who she is.

I am the girl who is ashamed of her passed, present, and future.

I am the girl who is \"poor\".

I am the girl who has no friends.

I am the girl who tried to end my life for \"attention\".

I am the girl who YOUR words affect.

I am the girl who is now known as a \"slut\".

Yet I am also the girl who is a virgin.

I am the girl who should have ended my life.

I am the girl.