
Guilt of Lost.

And so, here I stay, in an rainy, cold, forgetten grave

I look upon the tomb and read the name, \"mother, wife, and friend.\"

I close my eyes, filled with grief, and my tears run down my pale face

I beg for forgiveness, for your grace, and pray for one last memory of you


Through my tears and agony, I hear a voice

One that I can only say I\'ve known

I open my eyes to see you, in a gown of white

Your smile and hands reach out to my fragile soul


I stand up, wipe my tears, take your hands and look into your eyes

\"You\'re alive!\" I said, disbelief yet full of joy!

You say in your hush, yet soothing voice, \"dance, my love\"

I nod and hold your hands tighter, never wanting to let go, and dance.


It seemed as if the rain had stopped, and the midnight sky was filled with light.

And danced and laughed and enjoyed our time.

Your giggles filled the air with harmonic tunes

All through the twilight


As we finished our dance, and hugged with glee

It seemed nothing could break our loving dream

Of pure innocence, forever bound with love

Suddenly, your face dropped in horror, and cried.


I could see your eyes, a flame, a plight!

I could smell the fumes of timber alike!

Your screams of fear shattered the light!

And the harmony of love was tainted with loss of life.


It almost seemed as if God was furious!

The wind roared, the rain showered, the thunder laughed through the night.

I reached out for your hand one last time.

But it was too late.


Your body dissolved with the flames.

Your perfect self was swallowed by heat.

I tried to grab onto your arm, but was futile.

For your body has turned to embers, and carried into the twilight.


The winds calmed, the rain sprinkled, and the lightning silently cracked.

As I stood above your grave.

I fall, broken, of my past and shame

And I cried begging for your return.


A single gust of wind rushed past my ears.

The rain slowly crawled down my face, wiping my tears.

The lightning brought slight light to the sky, and there it was

A single rose petal on the burial tomb.


I grabbed the petal and hugged in close to me

The smell reminded me of herself 

I lay the petal on the grave, and stood up

And looked upon your final rest one last time.


I let my tears run silently down my cheeks

And I say my farewells

As I walk away from the grave

My memories soon vanish


For the pain is unbearable to live without

Your undying care.

I let this rope dangle from my neck

I never learned to let go.