P.X. Vexxus


I fell asleep listening to the voices

In my dying dreams I fell victim to my own poison

They tried to tell me but I was too ignorant

I wouldn\'t listen to anything but my arrogance


Time passes, lingering thoughts

Empty dreams, endless regrets

Pain and sorrow, shattered happiness

Broken bonds and forgotten misery

Enveloping innocent minds like a curse

I\'m breaking apart, a tortured hurt

Endless tears in a bottomless pool

A waterfall of agony for a fool

The cascade of memories settles in

A canvas of dreams I no longer remember

Crumbling thoughts from a life I\'ve left behind

Becoming something more in a land of lies

It\'s too late to change my mistakes

I simply bear the burden of endless hate

It\'s a vicious cycle of broken hearts

And I was the first to shatter apart