Edward Charles McDevitt

A Mother\'s Love?

Yesterday I left my Mom\'s which really left me sad,

Although I truly Love her it\'s the only choice I had.

I answer to her every wish even a beckon call,

It doesn\'t seem to matter or help her out at all.

I feel so guilty after leaving her that way,

Nothing helped at all nor what I had to say.

An attitude she had no matter what I did,

Say the wrong thing and oh, Heaven forbid!

Commenting on everything even when I drive,

Go the wrong way and Heaven sake\'s alive!

Behind a car too close and she would really rant,

Everything I do appease her seems I can\'t.

Just going for groceries had a comment for that,

The sun\'s too hot she should have worn a hat.

To shelter her from heat and the sun\'s hot ray,

I can\'t do things right no matter time of day.

Frozen items in the car we couldn\'t stop for lunch

Anyone have a clue or perhaps a real good hunch?

Visiting my Sister we spent all afternoon,

My dog was hungry and had to eat soon.

Off to the store I went to get my dog some food,

I got really angry and in a real bad mood.

The stress that I was under started to kick in,

Not knowing how to cope with anxiety within.

We\'re at each other throat seems like all day long,

At her house I know that I really don\'t belong. 

My siblings have no concern about what\'s going down,

I really should be smiling but inside there is a frown.

I suffer from anxiety and am always in distress,

She even had a comment about the way I dress.

I went to Church in jeans and a Tee Shirt,

Maybe she wanted me to wear was a skirt!

Pleasing her isn\'t easy as you can plainly tell,

No matter what I do she constantly will yell.

I just cannot stay or with her can I live,

I must Pray to Him and ask that He forgive.

I really Love her dearly more than any other,

For there is nothing like the Love of a Mother!