

How about some celebration!

Time away from chores.

Plan a little get-a-way,

Fresh air, go out, explore.


We’ll leave early mid-week.

Few hours to Vermont.

Ferry over Lake Champlain,

Good weather, we hope, for our jaunt.


Land in New York’s Port Kent.

An hour, the Lake, across.

Enjoying this time together.

In new surroundings, we’re lost.


Up early with the Sun.

Head South to Saratoga.

Two bucks, bet on a horse,

Hope to win big Moola.


But, even if we don’t,

This won’t wreck our trip.

Drown our sorrows a little,

Summer beverages we will sip.


Off again, we quickly go,

To visit an historic site.

Fort Ticonderoga, we’ll venture.

Then head back before the night.


Back home we turn full-circle,

I’m feeling sad and forlorn.

Love to travel in the summer.

Still, I’ll welcome cold weather’s return.