
Dead Poets

To be or not to be, like all who came before me

The road they took to glory, well that just isn\'t my story

Do you think every song you adore is a remake of another that came before?

Or every good story\'s lore is a copy that just added more?

The keys are willpower and innovation, put in, make something 

It\'s in your head just waiting, create something where there once was nothing

I come original and I own it, I\'m not one to steal from dead poets

You can put that on my tombstone how I wrote it, put it in print, you can quote it

The world is not in need of more of the same, my kind of wild will not be tamed

This is not a quest for glory and fame, but I can promise you this you\'ll remember my name

By always learning more and more, by walking on when feet are sore

I see your no entry sign, I will be sneaking in the back door

After you\'ve heard me and know it, and you will know it

I will have earned my pen and ink and I will become just another dead poet

By LukeCoomer ©