

One Life


Have you ever sat and wondered if life might be just a painful dream

That we may well be living in some spectral long lost time

Do you feel that lifes expectations are not always what they seem

Or can you think about a moment when your life was incredibly sublime

Even a time when you felt so exceptionally happy you could cry

But then comes upset, pain and heartache and we ask the reason why


Look into your soul and seek the answer truly with your heart

For honesty is extremely fundamental to the answers that we seek

If this life of ours is real then we all have a special human part

The pain and hurt we sometimes face must never make us sad or weak

After all we all have something special that not all people get

Our lives should be valued for life’s a precious gift let’s not forget


Do we really feel that our existence is for some very worthwhile reason

Then we must not let our old adversaries pain and heartache have their way

Instead we should all look bravely forward to each and every season

Make the most of life and enjoy our time as if it was our last earthly day

For in this life there are other folk who are so much worse than us

Despite pain, frailty and hardship they never ever make a fuss


The very act of growing old is not really all that bad

With age there comes more wisdom, tolerance and grace

There is also more time to reflect on the good times that we’ve had

Enjoying a sense of contentment as life takes on a slower pace

With our caring friends and family as our source of strength and pride

Taking strength from one another we will take most troubles in our stride


So our lives should not be thought as just a strange and sad enigma

We have one chance in this world so we must really make it count

Not waste our time or cause any hurt we don’t want that sort of stigma

As long as love and caring are the values we take as paramount

So we must make the best of this life and be good to our family and friend\'s

For when our life is over we can’t come back to make amends