Little Drummer Boy

A shell

of a man

A heart 

of a child

A Soul

of an Empress


A Spirit

Wild and bent on progression


is not an option!

All of these planets have gone retrograde on me now

They are all in cahoots against me

I just can\'t seem to march forward on like the Little Drummer Boy I used to be

It\'s not because I\'m lazy

It\'s not because I\'m old

It is because of the misuse of sorcery


In all of my existences, it has attempted to stay ahead of me

It doesn\'t matter how far it ever gets behind me

On any given moment

Some fucked up day down the way 



It pops up right in my way

Inconvenient is an understatement 

I have had it with all of their unfounded scrutiny

Me and my brethren are one


A mutiny that the wickedness could never even fathom

It is too damned stuck on self-destruction

Too focused on our non-existent ruin

But, can\'t they tell that I am not anywhere close to alone?

I am fairly certain that they can

Oh yeah, that\'s right...

They have been in the know longer than I have even

Leaving bread crumbs along uncertain pathways can be a 

double negative

Think of all the starving larvae crawling through the Native sand

And, bread is highly addictive!

But, I would much rather feed the enemy then be responsible for their malnutrition 

The sin of Denial upon my fellow mankind

Then, I always have to go that extra mile and take it there

Unwind their sexy little asses somehow as well....


Free libations are always an added bonus

A welcomed guest

A pleasure pleaser

The Devil\'s advocate

The elixir to enhance the aura that cloaks his playground....
