
Farting Around

Was that thunder?

That rumbling sound?

No, that’s just him,

Farting around.


Hard worker for sure,

Certainly not lazy.

But, when work’s done,

Eats and watches T.V.


Loves spicy foods.

The hotter the better.

Wasabi crackers,

With Pepper Jack cheddar.


His favorite fuel,

His kind of gas.

Keeps him in motion,

And, putting on past.


Ripping here,

Blasting there.

Snacks from the frig,

To his favorite chair.


Would never think,

He’s wasting time.

Knows how to relax.

Has peace of mind.


But, if a scent,

Wafts in the air.

Best advice,

Run from there!


Says it’s on purpose.

He brags and gloats.

“Hey, I don’t like to share,

The program remote.”


From beginning to end,

He emanates a sound,

“I work hard and have the right,

To just fart around.”