
Adam to the eve

I found light in the city of the forgotten people,
The unbearable, the Illogical, the unequal,
can you satisfy both sides and still be humble,
can you lower yourself and dare to tremble,
don\'t worry it\'s the same point but different angle,
What entity will bring us together as a single,
haven\'t you dared to look on the other side of the wall,
have you looked at sky and what\'s above it all,
don\'t let them fool you by the way they adress you,
don\'t be fooled by the way they are dressed in front of you,
haven\'t you not noticed that\'s what they been telling you,
the key active ingredient in what I said is actually you,
you got a mind of your own so think like a human,
keep your trust in god for he doesn\'t bring you confusion,
did you not know that the absence of god is evil,
free choice is the opportunity for you to live peaceful,
it truly amazes me that we all came from Adam and Eve,
we are all one from corrupt politician to the man you call a thief,
we move around like planes but still small like an ant,
trust me our mind still has the ability to truly expand,