
Sheep Shepherding

Tune: Ravenshaw

(\'Lord, they word abideth\')

Psalm 95


1. O come, let us now sing

Unto the LORD, praise bring

Let us make noise joyful

And unto Him here call


2. For He is our rock sure

Rock of salvation e\'ermore

Let us thus come before

His presence and adore


3. Offer Him thanksgiving

He the LORD, e\'er living

Make joyful noise with psalms

And give dutiful alms


4. For the LORD a God great

Is, He helps us not late

And a great King above

All gods is He in love


5. In His hand deep places

Of the earth, all races

Strength of hills is His also

Sea is His, we too know


6. He made sea and dry land

All created by His hand

O come, let us worship

Serve Him here in deed, lip


7. Let us before Him kneel

He our Maker, this we feel

He our God, we His sheep

His people He does keep


8. Of His pasture we are

None He will fail or debar

Today if you will hear

His voice, heed, and draw near


9. Harden not your heart tough

Provocation was enough

Of old days, they Him provoked

And His judgement invoked


10. They did tempt and Him proved

Then He His help removed

For they in heart did err

His ways not know, not share


11. In His wrath He did share

They not enter rest there

Promised Land not entered

Generation censured


12. Yet a people following

After, did obtain good thing

Let us have faith, hearing

Obedience Him bring