Fay Slimm.

Show Me.


Show Me.


Take me aside and show me an
attitude that over-rides
doubt and is non-judgemental,

a love that tries hard to provide
reasons for misbehaviour,
finds ways of preventing fights
and prays for both
victim and for the perpetrator.


Guide me to traits that relieve
hidden pain and exist
to aid true friendship survival,

show me love that will outshine
hate, research all the facts,
a care that dares to reprieve by
forgiving, faces trials
with mature understanding,

feels delight in all seen as worth
more than acceptance
and refuses to hear bitter words.


Many harshly meant slights fail
to ignite if shown
rightful compassion, awareness
of true brotherhood
and feeds ire comforting food.


Lord hear this request I pray,

take me aside

and teach me love\'s way

to live the best life.