
Righteous Rulings 2

Tune: St Gregory [Wainwright]

(\'With glorious clouds encompassed round\')

Psalm 49 v.12-20


Man being in honour abides

Not, but temporary resides

He on the earth, perishes soon

As light darkened at noon


The upright shall have dominion

O\'er the wicked, each one

Rich, greedy, their beauty, consumed

For they boasted, presumed


They set themselves up to live long

Nor worship God, no song

From them was heard, for they involved

In evil deeds, hearts cold


But God my soul he will redeem

From power of grave, though seem

My troubles great, me [He] will receive

For in Him I do believe


The righteous, they be those, the blessed

In the Lord find their rest

And sinful, selfish, shall vanish

Unfulfilled be their wish[es]