John Prophet

My Life

How I
choose to live
my life.
I\'m wired
at birth,
my personality
in place.
I\'m sculpted
as a youth
my environment
had its say.
The combination of both
molded me
as artists molds clay.
With all this
in place
where do I go
from here?
What direction
in life
will I choose?
How much choice
do I really have?
Has the deck
been stacked
before I\'m
on my way?
Look all around,
all types
are in play.
The complexity
of society
in full on
Can I
will myself
away from the
mold that I am?
Am I
by the sculptor,
my part
in the play
I have little say?
I believe
if I focus
real hard,
I can fracture the mold
get out of its way.
I can over come,
move in a
different direction,
my own way.
Genetics and environment
certainly had
their say.
I believe
I can power
thru an creat
a better day.
Is it possible, though,
I\'m just wired this way?