Accidental Poet

Old School


You can say what you want

Call me a nostalgic fool

And I’ll even admit to being

More than a little old school


So the past is where I came from

Couldn’t get here any other way

Some couldn’t care less about the past

But I’m thankful for everyday


I was brought up

To be respectful of others

At least, to those who deserve it

And especially to all our mothers


There comes a time when you see

Through your parents eyes

The hardships of generations before you

Suddenly you see your elders so wise


I learned to work hard

To earn every dime

That nothing in life is really free

And ignorance is just a waste of time


I learned to watch what I say

And when to keep my mouth shut

To resist an urge to swear

Or my mother would spank my butt


Save your pennies young man

Save till you’re old and grey

Because someday you’ll need it

Glad you didn’t squander it away


Contrary to belief

The real world is not always what you see

This ain’t your money for nuthin’

Chicks for free


And what goes around

 Usually comes back around

Work hard and earn your weight in pay

Or lie and cheat for just a pound


Do to others as you’d have done to you

For that was always the golden rule

And that’s how it was “Back in the day”

Back in the old school


Copyright © Accidental Poet 2014