
With Everything In Me

With everything in me, I\'ve finally fled

But I\'m working on coming back

My apologies, I forgot that everything is about you

Where are you? 

People say you\'re real

I\'ve grown up to love you

Others grew up to hate you

As I mature and become aware, I\'m seeing more perspectives 

Why can\'t you show yourself? 

I need you

At most, you\'re everyone I know turns to

So when I turn to you, will you be there?

Or will you be silent?

Like you have all these years

Me not knowing if you\'re the small voice in my head,

Or if I\'m crazy

But I still cling to the faith I have left 

I use that to try and build it

To make it stronger

With everything in me, I finally see

Not everything is perfect that\'s for sure 

But if you are, is that why we can\'t see you?

Because man knows no perfection?