
We little ants in the universe

We little ants in the universe,

Are excited and thrilled about the moon hiding the sun, not sure if its a blessing or a curse.


So many religious and scientific theories, explanations, and statistics run,

About the effect of darkness on our minds and bodies, and bacterias,  tsunamis, earthquakes, terrorists attacks

And the astrology of  Donald Trump..

when we are shut down from THE SUN.


We BIG EGO  creatures…

Are just little ants in this huge universe. Who can be our true teachers?


Imagine you are holding a water pipe,

Splashing water on ants that suck your blood type.

Maybe the universe is shutting down the light as an alert sign,

It had enough with our nonsense behaviour - says the Divine...


There you go – another theory:

ha ha, we are all storytellers explaining what\'s going on, clearly..


But seriously, facts:

We are just little ants.