Accidental Poet

Metaphorically Speaking


Ahh, but to express a thought

A conveyance of emotion

Not just of simple words

But of a lyrical devotion


A relationship of faith and fact

A team effort you understand

Between what’s in your heart

And physically at hand


The sun rises

To start a new day

As in your soul a page turns

Your life has found a new way


Dark clouds will disperse

Giving way to clear skies

And troubles have taken leave

To ease your saddened eyes


So much can be said

Of this and that

Just depends on your viewpoint

And what you’re looking at


The glass can be half empty

While being half full

Such as your unfulfilled life

Just blink, and see it so beautiful


Happiness you’ll find

If it’s what you’re seeking

Look for the smile in your heart

Metaphorically speaking


Copyright © Accidental Poet 2007