
Stumbling Service.

It was a strange service.

The Choir traipsed in,

And sang the Introit.

Yes I was there,

Groaning out the bass line.

The Preacher welcomed all

And announced the first hymn,

He said to all,

“You may not know this hymn

The choir did not!”

The Choir had gone through it

Before the service started,

And had an idea.

The hymn started,

The choir sang,

The congregation slowly joined,

And when it was over

We very nearly knew it.

The first reader stood up,

Came to the lectern,

And started to read the lesson.

At almost every other word,

She hesitated,

Trying to form their sounds.

She got through it and sat down.

The second reader got up,

And seemed to keep stumbling

Over easy words.

The hymns were sung

And then came the Sermon,

But the Preacher kept getting lost,

Kept hesitating.

The Service was over

And the last hymn was sung,

One we all knew.

So we left the Church uplifted,

After such a stumbling service.