
A Date with my Muse

I dedicate this poem to all of you!

May you have many exciting dates with YOUR muse.


Wanted to write

Stared at the wall

Got myself a Sprite

Nothing written at all


Wait, there is a thought

About ready to be born

It was all again for naught

So getting onto the horn


Talked for an hour

About my productive day

Then went to take a shower

Relaxing under the spray


Seriously considered writing

Got distracted by the telly

Interesting but not exciting

Noticed a little feeling in the belly


Now hunger rears its ugly head

Have to cook a proper meal

And not forget my daily med

I take a knife and start to peel


Back to sit and write once more

All sated and smelling so good

But it is an impossible chore

If I could, I swear I would


Figured it was now too late

To restart my writer’s mind

Better ask HER for a date

If my MUSE would be so kind