Edward Charles McDevitt

Near Death Experience

You have heard from me the Love I have for my Dear, Sweet Mother,

The Love I have comes from Deep With-in for me there is no Other.

Using water daily for the dishes, cooking and things like laundry,

How little did I know thinks we slowly building inside of me.

I brought water from home for \"Precious\" and myself as well,

Not wanting to breathe in those fumes nor that nasty smell.

Replenish did I have to do such as pick up things I need,

Prescriptions, dog food. just running daily deeds.

After running these errands and sitting back awhile

The only thing that didn\'t return to me was my famous smile.

The more I sat and thought about things, Wow, did things get hot!

I don\'t care what I did for it, the angrier was all I got!

Then came the congestion, runny nose and all,

I could barely stand, and when I did, I would fall.

I lost control of all bodily functions and that really made me mad,

My Spouse did shower me off for that was the only choice he had.

He then called 911 and when they finally came for me,

Me not knowing time of day was somewhat after three.

Everyone was angry for his waiting so long to call,

They had no idea the conditition that I was in at all.

I was in critical condition, my pulse oxygen in the low 70\'s,

The lowest it should be is in the high 90\'s!

Little did I know, How close to death I had been.

So smoking is done and I never want to be there again.

I learned a little lesson about my Mother and her way.

She has to use that Oxygen every single day!