
Cleaning my room today

I\'m cleaning my room today

I\'m airing out all of my dirty laundry
I\'m changing my sheets
Saturated with old dreams
And unwanted memories that haunt me

I\'m cleaning my room today

I\'m rearranging my furniture to create space
Making room to embrace
Instead of escape
The outside world and all of its pain

I\'m cleaning my room today

Even though I know
where everything goes in this chaos
It\'s an organized mess
There is a method to my madness.

I know I\'ll find the letter from my first heartbreak
Stored in a box
That is locked
On a shelf
on the top of my closet.
Right beside my heart
And a note
That says \"please stay away, don\'t touch it\"

I know I\'ll find the key to that box
In a vase still holding flowers
Withered with time
Picked from the day
I visited my aunt\'s grave
Who passed away
When I was 29

I know I\'ll find my brother\'s eTch a sketch
I broke
Under piles of guilt
And my mother\'s pain
I can\'t take away
And regretful words
And lost hope

I\'ll find everything where I left it
Because my mess is repetitive
I allow it to pile up
Saying \"I\'ll clean it when I get to it\"
Until I\'m not even able to sleep at night
Because my bed is covered
In my overwhelming mess
And there\'s no where to find comfort

I\'m cleaning my room today!