
Wounding / Revitalizing

8/18/17 11:23 PM



This job has wounded me

With superficial cuts from vengeful branches

And its soul crushing monotony

Another day, another tank of gas

Running five gallons through my mind and across my eyes

To save myself from staring at my phone


Onward, these light cuts will fade

They\'ll leave small, small bumps on my skin

But the taffy pulling of my brain will not


Every boring hour takes a thought and stretches it

Pulling it out and over itself

And then back again

Always reaching forward, stretching and exerting

Only to be wrenched back to where it was

The taffy puller breaks up the structure, making hard sugar into gelatinous elastic


I am headed into the deep freeze of the woods

To try to solidify my taffy


8/20/17 12:33 AM



This job has revitalized me

Bronzed my skin and lightened my hair

It has given me respite in activity

And a paltry but sustaining salary

I spent days leaving my phone in search of a traffic cone

I got paid to drive a souped-up golf cart

With a dimestore awooga horn

Being outside eight hours of the day


Now, I am faced with shut doors and little lawn

Months long of short forays into cookie cutter wilderness