WL Schuett

Storm Warning

Her voice was calm 

but in her eyes storms were raging 

years of torment 

forever hidden, conflict was waging 


in her forest of night 

sleep was a vast forbidden shadow 

gates of darkness 

deeper darker than you\'d ever want to know 


a halo surrounds her 

complicated intriguing rings of sadness 

halls of sorrow 

long deserted corridors of madness 


she\'s a soft beauty 

hiding a meadow of faded flowers 

sirens dance 

heart pounding into a maze of conflicted hours 


she\'s kneeling at dawn 

dying trees in a deserted quarter 

pathway to morning 

solid ground turned to deep still water 


lovely woman 

behind her eyes clouds were forming 

her voice was calm 

but in those eyes a storm warning