
Victory Vindications

Tune: Diademata

(\'Crown Him with many crowns\')

Revelation 19 v.11-16


Heaven opened, white horse

Goes forth now on its course

The rider, He called \'Faithful, True\'

A mission has to do

In righteousness He does

Judge and make war, but loves

The good and right with pure delight

But hates all shades of night


His eyes a flame of fire

he the bright morning star

And on His head were crowns many

All visible to see

And too a name written

Which no one could know then

Except Himself, and whom He willed

That it should be revealed


Clothed with vesture stained-blood

For us, redeeming flood

The Word of God it is His name

E\'er of eternal fame

His armies followed forth

From east, west, south, and north

They too on white horses displayed

In white linen arrayed


From His mouth goes a sword

Sharp, He o\'er all the Lord

With sword He shall the nations smite

And bring in truth and right

He shall rule with a rod

Of iron, and He for God

Tends to evil and with it deals

Whate\'er destroys, kills, steals


Awesome sight, God\'s winepress

Of His fierceness, no less

\'Tis full of His anger and wrath

Consumes evil like moth

On His vesture and thigh

His name is seen, draw nigh

It written KING OF KINGS is He