Accidental Poet

And What A Time It Was


Yes, I’m a “Baby Boomer,” vintage nineteen fifty six

No “Love Potion No. 9”, so I stayed a flop with chicks

But memories buried so deep in my mind

Like pages in a book of lost time

And what a time it was, now over 40 years ago

For JFK’s funeral everyone cried, this I know

I remember the pounding of the drums

Another change in the world had begun

Because of his vision eight years prior to one afternoon

I saw on TV, the man on the moon

I think back to many a younger day

Life as it was back then, and I just a child at play

Just five more minutes in this pile of leaves

And my Superman cape flyin’ in the breeze

How tall am I today?

Would it really matter if I ate another hot fudge sundae?

Riding our bikes in circles, don’t ask why

No where to go, just so happy to ride

And what a time it was, I remember when

A little boy on TV with a bear named Ben

The music on my radio ties it all together

Memories of my youth all connected by lyrical tether

A time tunnel to the future or past

Looking back, how the years ran by so fast

I reminisce of names like Orr, Yaz, and Nance

Chasing that impossible dream of a Boston victory dance

And still I remember the pretty girl in fifth grade

How my heart fell in first love and the memory never fades

How eager I was on Saturday nights to drive

Crusin’ in a muscle car till sunrise at five

Roll on and on such memories, live on

Refresh my mind of good times by gone


Copyright © Accidental Poet 2003