
Rising Storm

The air is still, there is a serenity...Shapes, colors, images crisp, a clarity...It\'s quiet, still, calm, I\'m at peace... It\'s too quiet, too calm, too peaceful, it won\'t last, it\'s the calm before the storm... Nothing More!

Don\'t let your guard down, don\'t get sucked in, don\'t allow yourself to be fooled...There Is A Storm Brewing!

Little tentacles of air, begin to stir... hair follicles begin to raise... currents of electricity begin to soar... Moisture Forms!

Push it back, keep it hidden... It\'s not weakness, rather a predictor...the computer models, showed nothing on the radar...A Pop Up Thunder Shower, Nothing More?

The air becomes Static...Volitile...Cold... Darkness Forms...clouds consume the sky...This Is Something More!

The wind circles, howls...the intensity, increases, quickly...fueling itself with everything it can muster...The sound of a Train, Can Be Heard In The Distance...

Sirens blare... their warning comes too late... The early warning detection devices weren\'t built for this kind of storm... Pitty!

The Storm Grows To Massive Strength...EF-5 Perhaps! What to do? Head for a fallout shelter, maybe... But is there such a thing built for this kind of event? Asylum, Bedlam, Booby Hatch, Bughouse, Funny Farm, Laughing Academy, Loony Bin, Madhouse, Nut House, Padded Room, Psych Ward, Rubber Room, Snake Pit!

Panic Ensues, an explosive energy can be felt by all around... Don\'t sit still, you can\'t even if you try...Don\'t cower in fear, like some new born animal afraid of the unknown world around you...Rather, embrace the uncertainty...Revel in It\'s uniqueness, anything less would futile!