


Lacking in natural humanity

remiss of fairness or good

devoid of social graces

across my path this behemeth stood.

A low growl emmanated with menace

as it looked at me from one good eye.

\" Try and cross my path.\" It growled.

\" And surely you will die! \"

I quivered at it\'s ugliness

I feared it\'s menace and hate

but I had to outwit this thing,

it was my destiny, my fate.

Dragging at my courage

through the deepest well of fear

I called in a voice loud enough

to catch it\'s one good ear.

\" What must I do to escape your wrath

what wish can I fulfill?

How can I reach my destiny

and escape your threats to kill? \"

It\'s one good eye glowed with hate

as it hobbled closer to it\'s gate.

\" Turn on your heel spawn of scum! \"

It called in a roar.

\" And I surely wish I had a gun

because you would spawn, never more! \"

With paper courage ready to tear

I held it\'s  eye in a steady glare.

\" Why must we battle for this path? \"

I asked, weary of my foe.

\" Why can\'t you just step aside?

and on my way I\'ll go. \"

\" NEVER!! \" It roared, full of hate.

\" will you advance beyond this gate

go back to the sewer from whence you came

and never darken my path again!! \"

\" It\'s not your path, neither your gate!\"

I replied, quite irate.

\" Now step aside and let me pass

before I kick your big fat ****! \"

The behemoth opened it\'s mouth to reply

but the answer didn\'t come,

instead,  a stronger was voice calling.

\" MUM!... MUM!... MUMM!!! \"

The effect of that voice

was like salt to a slug

the behemoth in front of me

seemed to shrink like a bug,

it scuttled away out of sight,

and left me alone, in the night.

My wife greeted me with a kiss

and then she held me tight.

\" I\'m sorry darling. \" She whispered.

\" But me mum turned up tonight. \"