
Given Up

For what I\'ve done, it wasn\'t enough.
It tore me. Bended me. Stirred me for days.
Took years to build. Minutes to crumble.
Tears won\'t shed, yet how heavy they were.
I\'ve given up.
I fought for us. Held the bags everyday.
Now I\'m weak. Now I can\'t picture this as strength. Now I became the 80/20.
I\'m hurt. I\'m crushed. Tired yet restless.
I\'ve given up.
I hoped for happy endings. I hoped for better days with you. Yet...nothing was altered.
I waited for you. To see if you would catch up.
Yet...you didn\'t move. You just stood there.
Not yet have I given up.
I came back. Beaten, battered and bruised.
Yet you sent a very strong final blow...from a distance. I couldn\'t walk. I couldn\'t stand.
I\'ve...finally...given up.