Accidental Poet

Memory Lane


Full tank of gas

And I’m crusin’ my home town

Something I’ll do every now and then

Since my muscle car days of ridin’ around


There’s a road sign up ahead

Turn here for Memory Lane

How it pulls on me

As if called by name


Memories seem to all come up on cue

The places, friends, and good times

Was it really that long ago?

Like yesterday it seems in my mind


The house I grew up in

All re-modeled I see

I just shake my head

I liked it the way it used to be


On Branch Street, Central Elementary School

Where in fifth grade I first fell in love

Right next to the Lawson Tower

With the bells ringing high above


I drive by Sand Hills Beach

Where many a summer day

On the radio a song we laughed at

“They’re Coming to Take Me Away”


When older, I cruised Front Street

On Friday and Saturday nights

Familiar faces all just hangin’ out

A few couples in the shadows out of sight


Then by Motorhead Alley

Where all the gearheads strut their stuff

Dual quads against a sixpack

A stare down to test the bluff


My crusin’ song of “Ramble Tamble”

By CCR on my stereo

Give the volume knob a twist

“ooooh, down the road I go”


Now past the Old Oaken Bucket Pond

And a favorite memory I hail

I’ll turn down this side street to

My homesick heaven on Satuit Trail


Seems I always find myself here

With a sweet whisper of her name

Happens every time I take that ride

That nostalgic ride down Memory Lane


Copyright © Accidental Poet 2011