
declare my fate

The wait

My fate

I’ve never wanted anything so bad

Not to the point were it makes me sad


Just waiting for an answer makes me sick

Praying they’ll say yes. Now that’s my fix

Biting my tongue I try not to cry

If I’m rejected I think that ill die


I’ve never cared like this before

I can tell as this is poisoning me right to the core

I’m willing to do anything

I’m just hanging by a string


There is a pit in my stomach

The kind I get when I’m in public

That heart failing feeling

Lucky my smile is concealing


I sit by my phone calling and calling

I don’t know why but time is stalling

And I’m in such a rush

Why are they keeping it all hush


So much stress and anxiety

Its abnormal for me to give a fuck about society

My hearts racing every time I close my eyes I feel it jump

Heart beats with a thump


I’m on the edge I feel so displaced

Wow what a waste

So this is what normal feels like

Cut at just the tip of the spike


My brain is scattered

Everyone else chases me I’m not flattered

But I cant think like this

I’m literally in an abyss