Failed Experimental Truth

This Game

My name is not a secret.

I am not invisible.

My dear, you simply

Cannot see the hate and

the ugly

That riddle this world

till the world is no longer

a balance of good and bad,

but of \"I am not good enough\"

and this figment of imagination

we happen to call evil.


Perhaps one day, dearest

you may see what truth lies

beyond the borders of your

encaged life. Suppose you saw

the raw and bitter truth of the 

world. I hope you do not. Pray

for innocence and kindness. Not

money or to be a successful being,

for you will turn into simply

another player in the game of

life. Not a hero, and not a villain.

Simply part of the game.


Life is so fun till it\'s time to leave.

-The Biggest Lie