
Panoply and Flair

Tried not to open my eyes today

Figured rightly that come what may

Whatever life and the day had in store

I would simply blatantly ignore


But it was not as easy as I thought

When I blinked and then got caught

It was such a wonderful sunny day

Could not disregard it and turn away


Then thought that life is really short

There is not a day I should abort

Each day should be lived as if the last

Enjoy every minute and have a blast


Don’t know exactly about the how

Only know I want it here and now

Not another minute can be lost

Don’t care about the means or cost


No bad thought and no bad word

No spreading rumors you only heard

No high blood pressure and no stress

How you do that is anybody’s guess


The whole day needs to be full of fun

All exciting games and frolic in the sun

Forget the TV or the couch

There is no time to be a slouch


Jump on the bike, go for a ride

Walk or run along the ocean side

Hold your loved one in your arm

Feeling good, all cuddly and warm


Have a feast and eat with pleasure

With a glass of wine for good measure

Promise yourself to see only the good

And put yourself in the best of mood


Then at the end of each and every day

If you enjoyed it, you can finally say

Yes, life is short, but I don’t care

I lived this day with panoply and flair