
Out of the Darkness

As far as I can see,
Everything that was known to me is gone;

In a new world I do not understand,
In a grim and fallow land,
Full of rubble and despair;

For as I lift my weary head,
It has befallen upon me,
that amongst this rubble,
Everyone and everything I once knew,
Is dead;

For as far as I can see,
Everything that was so natural,
Is amongst this rubble,
At this moment it has become known upon thee,
that in this dark and desolate land,
everyone and everything I once knew,
Is dead;

And it has come upon me,
That I must start my journey,
To travel to a land safe and far away,
From this land of confusion and despair;

I have to get away,
I have to escape from this dark and dreary place,
And go far away to a new land,
That is bright and easy to understand,
Due to the fact that everyone and everything I once knew,
Is dead;

At last,
Out of the black,
And back into the light;

And for as I dream,
In my new and happy world,
I forget,
That everyone and everything I once knew,
Is dead.