
Rock and Roll

My grip tightens to stop her from leaving

But she still slipped away

And the only thing to stop the grieving 

Was an old record I had on display

The copyright read 1976

Coincidentally the same year she was born

In a crowded room, I was the one she picked

Though my flannel was tattered, and jeans, a little too worn

The needle drops as the record starts to spin

Taking me back almost 10 years

Rewinding the end to where we began

Before the heartache, split and tears

Rock and Roll was there when she was not

Keeping me company in times of loneliness

Best lessons are those hardest taught

Her scent and smile, I can only miss

The third song starts and I tap my foot

Song unheard since our wedding day

She wanted me to dance, but I stayed put

Maybe if I had, she would\'ve stayed

So as time goes on, hear me now

Don\'t let the small things become too small

If you\'re not all the way in, you\'re out

Then the only company you\'ll have, is the record on the wall.