Fallen Seraphina

I\'m Sorry

I\'m sorry I left a mouse on your bed, 

I\'m sorry the bloodstains are still there. 

I\'m sorry I left a bird there too, 

I thought you\'d like it. 

I\'m sorry I was gone for a week, 

I\'m sorry I came home with fleas. 

I\'m sorry I scratch you in the bath, 

But you know I don\'t like water. 

I\'m sorry I peed on the couch, 

I\'m sorry I clawed it up too. 

I\'m sorry I knocked over your bowl, 

But you laughed last time I did. 

I\'m sorry I play too roughly, 

I\'m sorry the dog\'s scared of me.

I\'m sorry I got the neighbor pregnant,

But she was cute. 

I\'m sorry I hate the vet, 

I\'m sorry I puked in the car. 

I\'m sorry you had to clean it up, 

But that\'s why I love you. 

I\'m sorry I wandered off again,

I\'m sorry I didn\'t come back. 

I\'m sorry that car hit me,

I didn\'t see it coming. 

I\'m sorry I left you alone,

I hope you can forgive me.