THE 5 SENSES OF LOVE ~ A B & S Collaboration Poem




When she came into my VISION

My heart skipped a beat ~  it was her EYES

Liquid pools of LOVE ~ Her HAIR spun Jet

Sensual effect came on me by surprise !

I\'d never seen an ANGEL ~ or perhaps

Another Worldly Being in disguise ?


As He walked closer

His powerful SCENT enchanted Me

A delicate SCENT of Sandlewood

Exuded from Him ~ no one else could see

His PHEREMONES had lured me in 

Like the tide pulls in the Sea !


The TASTE of a Lady is subtle

A melange of many differing flavours 

HONEY of lips and petals ~ SALT of tears

MUSK of perspiration ~ these are what one savours !

To kiss ~ to lick ~ to suck

These are Man\'s pursuits

His LOVE to prove ~ and win His Lady\'s favours


With power in his fingertips

Man\'s TOUCH ~ has Magic all its own

Caress that travels through the skin

Gliding to my sweet Love Zones ~ unknown !

It\'s my delight to feel it ~ soft or rough

His loving TOUCHES ~ when we are alone


The SOUND of LOVE is never silent

Whispering sweet nothings in her ears

Verbalising intimacies ~ Kitten & Puppy talk

Karma Sutrac sounds ~ that no one else can hear

Words WE would never use in Public

Too intimate for Public use I fear ~ And

I can only guess ~ why my Love\'s screaming ~ YES YES YES ! 


Thanks for visiting ~ comments welcome ~ Love B & S XOX


This Poem is a lighthearted Ode on the \"Five Senses of Love\"

composed alternatively by BRIANSODES and SANTITA ~ Enjoy


The Poem is presented as five sextets each with a consistent

rhyming pattern  xaxaxa  xbxbxb  xcxcxc  There is an extra

line in verse five from the Sound Effects Man ~ OK !