

Living blissfully in a time of now

With non existent future and past

Languid strokes powerful, but slow

Turquoise water, ocean so vast


Seeking the sands from long ago

No respite, always on the move

Surfing waves, gliding with the flow

Steadily staying in the groove


Instinct driving her back to the sand

Where thousands of miles away

She had left her eggshell behind and

Reached for the ocean by the bay


Searching unconsciously for her roots

Leaving the comfortable life behind

To where mind and matter transduce

Purpose and dream are closely entwined


Magnetic waves commingle with tides

Internal maps, with accuracy unmatched

Leading relentless, acting as guides

To the beach where they were hatched


Seeking dry sand and a suitable place

The Honu begins a beguiling dance

Flippers beating at increasing pace

Digging the nest as if in a trance


Laying the eggs is priority one

With tears running down the beak

the Honu slows, is finally done

returns to the water spent and weak



Note: How the Honus find the beach where they were born

is still a mystery, but some researchers think that they

rely on Earth’s magnetic field.