
My Broken Heart

Remember the first time I saw you

It was raining

And I offered you an umbrella

Without hesitation, you took it out of my hands

Smiling so passionately

I couldn’t help but fall in love with your beautiful

Green eyes

They were magical

It lit up my whole life

Days later we hocked up

And that’s when things

Turned for the worse

You broke my heart into a billion pieces

There it was

Shatter all over the floor

You walked all over it

Like nothing mattered

My heart was broken

I tried for years to get over you

But nobody could compare to you

My heart was still aching for your love

What happened to the person that

I used to know

That person who was loving, caring, and giving

In a split second, you turned

Into a person, I didn’t recognize

My heart is broken

Because of you

Now that I look back

I’m glad things didn’t work out for us

Because now I know my worth

My heart has healed

No longer bruise

By your monstrous ways

So, in the end

This my break-up

Letter to you