Poetic Dan

I have the power

I can\'t remember when
I just know now what it was
When I stopped listening
Waiting around for help

At ten I made up, that I couldn\'t hear
Made it to hospital and grommets put in
All because no one could catch me out
From then I realised, a game life was

By fourteen I was out on the streets
Giving up on authority that tried to help
Empowering myself to take my lead
Letting life go where ever it did

Two years on I started to work
Thinking there was no choice
Became part of the system again
Still holding on to the deeper flame
Seeing a world that contradicts itself

After fifthteen or so years of this
I\'d had enough of the hypocrisy that exists
I\'ve not signed up to be apart of this
I\'m not fighting for a nation
Supporting a queen or anything
That thinks it is not equal to the whole

I give myself the authority to say no
I give myself permission to withdraw
I will not pay for propaganda and war
I will be the change I needed as a kid

This legacy I to leave for my sprouts
Even if I end up dead or in jail
The last five years of my life
Have been the freest I\'ve ever felt
Not leaving in fear is what love is about


I\'ve spent most of my life, thinking why am I here, why would I come into this world to have no dad at home, to see what I have and not be given a choice if I wanted it or not

When the chance came I soon started making my own, still with a chip on my shoulders about the road that I got put on, feeling from the start there was with no option for anything else.

Now I\'ve lived half a life time, gaining many years experiences of mistakes and achievements. Having been shown many perspectives on how this could all work.

I\'m currently on a new reality tunnel that tells me, we did choose this life, we are old souls trying to fix a problem that started Long ago, I\'m not fighting just my demonds but the ones from my dad, stepdaughter and mum or anyone else that played a major roll in my life.

For everyone is who and where they need to be, to except the challenges that are played out and this time make the loving choice.

For once that is done you can move on as a great spirit leaving only balance and harmony behind, this in return creates a peaceful and tranquil plane for the next, maybe the high spirits will return once the energy is in balance.