
Life\'s Influences - Another Etheree


Towns are
Just very
Sad - depending
On the social scale,
Down trodden, weary worn
By day to day battles fought
To eek a living out of nowt,
Beggars on corners sleeping in doors,
Vacant eyes -bleary, unseeing and sore,
Tab end collecting, bargain hunting poor,
Lost souls without purpose and role,
Roam the market place in the hope
Of a place to hang out in
The shadows of despair,
Forgotten humans
Known for their
Poor street


Towns are
Just alive,
Rich tapestry,
Diversity bounds
On every street corner,
Riding high the social scale,
Vibrant, cheery, carefree faces,
Social climbers, professional packs
Hunting labels, pats on the back - assured,
Controlling their shares in the market place
Hoping to outsmart life\'s rich rat race,
Smart houses steeped in ancestry
The place to grow family,
Secured place on the map,
A place to hang out,
A town with form
Known for its
Rich street